A brave woman jumped onto the front of a hit-and-run car.

A courageous woman jumped onto the hood of a white sedan after it hit and ran away without stopping. Several riders who saw the incident helped chase after it on motorcycles, but the sedan eventually ran a red light and escaped. The police are urgently tracking down the culprit to bring them to justice. It is a video clip that a good citizen rider recorded. In the clip, you can see a woman in a blue shirt jumping onto the hood of a white sedan before a rider who saw the incident rode a motorcycle to chase after and help. Then the sedan agreed to stop and got out to fight in the middle of the road. The woman in the blue shirt stood in front of the sedan, saying that the woman in the blue shirt hit and ran away. The driver of the white sedan drove away while the woman in the blue shirt, the victim, clung to the hood of the car and shouted for help the whole way. Until the sedan reached the intersection of Kan Ruean, the force of the impact caused the victim to fall from the vehicle before the vehicle drove aw ay, with the rider on a motorcycle chasing after it until it reached the Krung Thonburi Bridge. After the incident, reporters spoke with Mr. Kittisak or Boss, 31 years old, the rider who filmed the incident. He said that the incident happened at 9:30 a.m. yesterday (July 24). At that time, he was riding a motorcycle to deliver food to a customer. When he arrived at Wachira Intersection on Sukhothai Road, he saw two women arguing as seen in the clip. The woman in the blue shirt shouted for help, saying that the woman in the blue shirt was driving a white sedan and hit and ran. At one point, several motorcycles surrounded the woman, causing her to get out of her motorcycle and say that she did not hit him. However, the woman in the blue shirt argued and pointed to the front of the woman's car, saying that there was clear evidence. The woman in the blue shirt then jumped on the front of the car. The woman in the blue shirt then walked back to get in her car and drove away. At that time, I tried to persuade her to stop but it was unsuccessful. So I rode my motorcycle to follow her. The woman drove through two red lights and almost got hit by another car. She also hit another motorcycle. While riding my motorcycle, I tried to shout for the woman to stop. Until I reached the Krung Thonburi Bridge, a pickup truck cut me off. So the woman agreed to stop her car. But I don't know what happened after that because I had to go another way to deliver something to a customer. Initially, when I filmed the clip, I didn't see the woman in the blue shirt clinging to the front of the car injured. But I believe she had a wound because she was dragged along the road for 1-2 kilometers. Later, the news team talked to Ms. Ple, 56 years old, the woman who jumped on the hood of the car. She said that while she was driving to work near Rajavithi Hospital, the other party suddenly changed lanes and hit the back of her car. She tried to roll down the window to talk, but the other party refused to stop. She drove after her and cut in front of her to stop the car, but the other party still refused to stop. When she reached Ratchawithi Road, traffic was congested, so she decided to get out of the car to knock on the other party's window, hoping to talk to him, but the other party still refused to get out. She had to stand in front of the car and hold onto the hood of the other party's car. However, she did not think that the other party would continue driving while she was holding onto the hood. At that time, she thought she would definitely die and was afraid of being run over by a car, so she had to hold onto the hood like that. Fortunately, several riders chased after her and helped slow down the other party's car. When she reached the Kan Ruean intersection, she fell out of the car and sustained bruises on both knees and pain in her left ribs. She emphasized that she did not want this to happen. She just wanted the other party to get out and talk. Urgently searching for the driver of the sedan that hit and ran to prosecute. Dusit Police Sta tion reported that after the incident, the victim came to file a complaint. There were bruises and minor injuries on his body. As for the other party, initial investigation found that the owner of the car was Thai and had a domicile in Kanchanaburi Province. Therefore, a summons was issued to provide information, but at this time, he has not come in response to the summons. However, from the investigation of the incident, it was found that the starting point of the collision was the area of ??Phaya Thai Police Station, which has already asked the injured party to file a complaint. As for the area of ??Dusit Police Station, it must be separated into another case, which will consider prosecuting for assault and driving in a manner that shows no regard for the safety of others' lives or bodies. Source: Thai News Agency