Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology stated that so far, 112 thousand university students have participated in the Kampus Mengajar (Teaching Campus) program in more than 23 thousand target schools.Teaching Campus is a program initiated by the ministry that provides university students an opportunity to support teachers and school principals in carrying out learning activities in schools.
"They directly take part and collaborate with teachers, school principals, and even students' parents," the ministry's Director of Learning and Student Affairs Sri Suning Kusumawardani noted in a statement here on Friday.
ccording to Kusumawardani, the Teaching Campus program is an answer to the current challenge, namely the increasingly complex job market's demand for human resources.
The learning that university students will take part in while joining the program is considered to be able to hone various competencies, such as communication skills, cooperation, leadership, creative thinking, and problem solving.
Source: Antara News Agency