STARK Class Action Case Progress

Progress in the class action case of STARK shares, 6 - 8 Nov., the court has scheduled a witness examination in the petition examination phase. The Thai Investors Association reported that from the damages in the case of Stark Corporation Public Company Limited (STARK), with a joint press conference of 11 organizations on June 26, 2023, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) supports the Thai Investors Association (TIA) to be a center for providing assistance to individual investors who invest in common shares (in the case of debentures, there is already a debenture holder representative responsible) in class action lawsuits. In this regard, the Thai Investors Association acts as a supporter of the group of investors in common shares in the justice process to be effective by continuously taking action. - Open an online system to register victims who invested in STARK common shares, Round 1: Between June 19-25, 2023, 1,759 victims registered, with a total damage value of 4,039 million baht. - Invite a meeting of victims who registered in Section 1 on December 13, 2023 to allow the victim group to select a 'representative plaintiff for the victims'. - Open an online system. Registration of victims of STARK common shares, Round 2: Between April 17-30, 2024, there were 1,207 victims who registered. - On June 6, 2024, the plaintiff representing the victims ('Plaintiff'), a group of investors in STARK common shares, filed a lawsuit against STARK, its affiliated companies, and 10 directors who were involved in the wrongdoing, in Case No. Por. 1061/2024 at the Bangkok South Civil Court. The plaintiff has coordinated with the Association to inform other victims as well. This lawsuit is a civil lawsuit for tort and offense under the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 to claim damages. And request a class action lawsuit so that the verdict covers other groups of ordinary share investors as well. The details are as follows: Scope of the group members of the ordinary share investors are persons who purchased o r sold STARK ordinary shares during the Class Period, namely, between May 11, 2021 and June 16, 2023 (the period when STARK's false financial statements were published). The purchase of shares in Section 1 can be divided into 3 sub-classes: 1. Victims who purchased STARK ordinary shares and still hold them/ 2. Victims who purchased STARK ordinary shares and sold some of their shares/ 3. Victims who purchased STARK ordinary shares and sold all of their shares. The claim for damages is a claim for damages calculated from the difference between the traded share price and the actual share price of STARK, which it should have been if there had been no disclosure of false financial statements. The principles for calculating such damages can be applied to all sub-groups of victims according to Section 2. If you are a victim of the ordinary share investor group according to Sections 1 and 2 above, you are all included in Class Action Members - If the court allows the class action, it will result in both the plaint iff and the class members having a joint legal outcome. On June 6, 2024, the plaintiff filed a lawsuit and a request to initiate a class action lawsuit at the Bangkok South Civil Court, case number P.1061/2024. On November 6-8, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., the court scheduled a hearing for witnesses in the investigation of the request to initiate a class action lawsuit at the Bangkok South Civil Court. The Thai Investors Association is responsible for assisting, coordinating and facilitating the group of plaintiff representatives and the injured party, as well as reporting progress (when there is progress) according to the information provided by the group of plaintiff representatives through the following communication channels: 1) the online system via the email address of each individual registered with the Association; 2) the online system on the Association's website, (menu name Class Action). Source: Thai News Agency